Golden QoR Watercolors

Golden introduced QoR Modern Watercolors about six years ago. I was immediately a fan of these vibrant, easily rewettable watercolors.

The first question I often get is how do you pronounce QoR? Well it sounds like CORE. And it stands for Quality of Results.

Here is an introductory video explaining the product:

QoR Modern Watercolors – Introduction

In essence, QoR has several advantages over traditional watercolors.

  • MORE COLOR. The Aquazol binder vs. traditional Gum Arabic is less yellow and gives you more color in every brushstroke. The pigment density is higher with this revolutionary application.
  • MORE VERSATILITY. Great on paper, but QoR also works on non-traditional surfaces.
  • MORE STRENGTH. QoR doesn’t crack or flake, even with heavy coats of paint.
  • MORE INTENSITY. Colors retain their brilliance. Even after drying, QoR lets pigments soar. You don’t see the typical strong color shift from wet to dry.

The company has done some detailed color mixing videos on four of the colors, shown below:

Quinacridone Magenta
QoR Ultramarine Blue
QoR Cobalt Green
QoR Transparent Pyrrole Orange

QoR is available in 83 tube colors, and several sets of 6, 12 or 24 paints.

Also, 2 years ago, Golden introduced the QoR Mini 12-color half pan set which is great for plein air painting or urban sketching.

QoR Mini – 12-color Half Pan Set

QoR MINI fits 12 half pan watercolors in a tin smaller than an index card. It fits perfectly in pocket or purse for urban sketching and plein air painting.

The set includes:

  • Cadmium Yellow Primrose,
  • Nickel Azo Yellow,
  • Transparent Pyrrole Orange,
  • Pyrrole Red Medium,
  • Quinacridone Magenta,
  • Dioxazine Purple,
  • Ultramarine Blue,
  • Phthalo Blue (Green Shade),
  • Sap Green,
  • Payne’s Gray,
  • Transparent Brown Oxide, and
  • Burnt Umber

Interested in adding these to your watercolor tools? I have listed the colors in each range on my Amazon Lists. The colors are listed in hue order to make them easier to compare and the sites are broken into country regions for ease of shipping to your destination address.

CountryMy Amazon Lists
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Interested in trying them out? I have a workshop just for you!

As a certified Golden Artist Educator I would be happy to discuss your application and which paint type might best suit your needs. Comment below!

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