First person to reply correctly gets a prize! Put your correct e-mail address in so I can contact you. :) … [Read more...]
Crafty Little Valentines
Since I was leaving town to attend CHA, I had the children start on their Valentine's cards early. Each selected their materials and started creating; while Daddy stole each away in turn for a bath. Such a fun night...and although I returned home on Valentines' Day, I didn't get to see the finished artwork. I heard there were a couple special ones in there too... Little C's … [Read more...]
In Your Face
Well the Superbowl is over. Days of shouts of "Patriots Rule, Giants Drool", and the opposite have been bandied about the elementary school halls. Paper helmets have been colored, to signify ones' affiliation to a team. These kids have no clue who is better or worse - but they've had fun picking a side. Mostly, in tune to their teacher's favorite. Tink and Aurora … [Read more...]
Time for Tea
Of course I'm never too busy to do something special for my children. This past Sunday we had an impromptu tea party. My husband took our son to an indoor gym, and the dollar store and other 'man haunts' while we turned the house into a floral affair. This of course calls for scrapbooking on some of that Hambly chandelier product, don't you think? :o) And I'm no 'Martha' so I had … [Read more...]
What presents did YOU receive this year?
Whether it was Christmas, Hannukah or Kwanzaa (I can’t spell anything, can I?) What presents did YOU receive this year? Isn’t it funny the things we get excited about when we are grownups?? My husband was at least smart enough NOT to wrap the new cookie sheets and try to call them a present. He knows better! LOL! The kids had a wonderful Christmas. I feel so blessed … [Read more...]