Spelunking update…

Week 1 – Space Audit
Immerse yourself in your space – what do you love? What annoys the daylights out of you?


They are relegated to a corner unit in my wall that is not accessible enough.  I need to put some sort of shelving or container together.  The portable one I had (snap lock) isn't holding up to use.  But I don't know what will work for me, as I've got tubes, 1 and 2 oz containers, etc.  I want them more close by the main work surface.


I need to get up-to-date on printing out my 4x6s and placing them into albums for the family to enjoy.   Because there are so many, I'll be be doing a massive upload to Winkflash.  Their regular price is .08 for a 4×6 print.  And they've had .06 sales as well.  Their quality is good and service is quick.  I don't necessarily scrap them this size, but I do like to have the physical prints to thumb through and then print out those I want at the size I want to use.  That worked *really well* for me the last time I did a marathon scrapping session.

I also need to get my PSE Organizer categorization up-to-date.  When I moved over to the new laptop I let it slide…


I have two lovely paper towers with 60 color ranges of cardstock.  And I hardly use solid cardstock anymore.  I have to face it that kraft, white and black solid are just about my limit these days.  I think these towers could be put to better use – but not sure how.  I have to brainstorm on it some more.  I love cardstock – but almost always with a pattern of some sort in it.


It's spread out in too many locations.  I need to get it all together in one place.

Pens / Markers / Pencils

They each have a good container, but need to be placed together and more accessible.


I have a great system that I need to update and this is probably going to best be done by pulling them all out and attacking the problem one container at a time so that it just gets done.

Week 2 – Brainstorming
If the Scrap Fairy DID exist, what is your idea of the perfect space?

I need better lighting over my cabinets and a pendant light in the center of the room.  One of the things that annoys me MOST about my house is the lack of room lighting.  I don't know why a simple central fixture isn't already wired for the living room and each of the bedrooms.  It makes no sense to me.  I corrected this in the bathrooms and kitchen — but now it's time to fix my studio space too.

I saw two spaces online that resonated for me.

Nichole Heady's studio: I like her track lighting, ribbon organization and the alphabet bins.

Kelly Lautenbach's pendant lighting.  Ikea, I'll be there shortly…!  Oh my, how it just glows.  Her green cabinet is just like my library drawers in a way.  I like the entire look.

I woudl love to have things look 'pretty' in my cabinets along the wall – but I'm not sure if I can get over my cluttered genetics on that one.  Perhaps I can fake it with an infusion of color coordination?  We'll see.

Week 3 – Clean Slate, Week 3 – Clean Slate BONUS for room OVERHAULERS 
Get out the boxes ladies, it's moving day!

I am going to empty out my bookcase first.  It's in the upper left hand corner of my wall unit and RARELY used space.  I've already offered to bring all the magazines and idea books over to my friend Laura's house because she will look through them and give them on to somebody who can use them.  The boxes are hitting this wall space first because I know that about 80+ percent of it will never grace my studio again.  That will be a good way to start.

I can't decide what the bookcase will be used for.  It's originally a kitchen cabinet piece from IKEA.  But that will be a fun problem to solve…

Next up will be the stamps.  I'm pretty much married to the system of organization for them – I just haven't been faithfully categorizing them and so it hasn't been as functional.  That will be next.

My trestle work-table has seen its own desktop for too long.  And things are under it as well.  I already know what is going to occupy that space – I just have to box it up and get it out of here.  The hardest part about any furniture piece is getting rid of it.  I see so many people with this table – yet it just doesn't serve me anymore.  Anybody want a glass top trestle table, counter- or desk-height?

So that's where I stand.  I breezed through 1-2 and 3 will be underway tomorrow.

Are you making any headway?

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