Learn to Mix Colors with the Digital Mixer Tool

Join Sally Lynn MacDonald via a virtual workshop on ZOOM to learn how to mix your acrylic paint colors with a fabulous and easy FREE tool that let's you squeeze and UNsqueeze acrylic paint tubes as you learn online! This virtual lesson will allow you to truly see how to mix colors, create complementary mixes to desaturate, see how temperature bias affects mixing, and more. Plus you can save your … [Read more...]

FREE *live* Ustream session using QoR Modern Watercolors

Tonight I'm hosting a FREE *live* Ustream session using QoR Modern Watercolors from Golden Artist Colors. This is a great preview session for anyone interested in learning how to mix colors. We will be focusing on earth tones and skin tones this evening. Join us at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/palettini for the FREE session. 9:00pm EST for one hour, TONIGHT, Thursday 02/26/2015. If you … [Read more...]

St. Louis – the gateway to…. SHOPPING!

I spent the day at Creating Keepsakes' Convention in St. Louis (Collinsville, IL) and had a really fun time.  This is the second CKC I've attended.  I have to say, this one was better than the one I went to over a year ago.  The vendors were top-notch.  There was a little of everything to choose from.  Some manufacturers, some local stores, some who travel the … [Read more...]

Giveaway reminder – and a Louisiana Labor Day Retreat!

Just a quick reminder that the Hanna Stamps post (below) and giveaway will close on Friday.  Make sure to post on the 'Brick Wall' post below! And I am so thrilled to annouce that I will be teaching Sept. 4-6th at the Scrapfest Fall Retreat in Mandevile (New Orleans area), Louisiana.  I have several workshops scheduled and I will be doing make it take its at the Tickle Me Pink … [Read more...]