In July of last year, a decision was made to assign regions to the existing Copic Certification Instructors and the team was expanded to include these now Regional Copic Certification Instructors. My existing schedule was ‘grandfathered’ in, allowing me to teach at locations I had planned that were outside of my ‘region’ until the Summer of 2010. Now the time has come to make some changes.
I have taught a large amount of Copic Certification classes in the Northeast. In fact, I just taught one in Massachusetts on Monday, at the request of a sales representative group. So I feel that the area has been well served and that continuing to focus on this one region would be too limiting. So the time has come to refocus my efforts instead on teaching workshops at stores rather than the all-day certification curriculum which I have been teaching for nearly two years. The consumer workshops have always been my passion. And project-based workshops are much more fun to teach!
This allows me to teach at more locations, outside of the region I had been assigned and also not have my travel plans tied to a company-sponsored class that could potentially be cancelled, which was almost the case with West Virginia just last week.
So while I will be teaching the consumer workshops that are scheduled in Texas and Toronto in the coming weeks, I am handing the baton for the certification class to the Regional Certification Instructors for your area. You will be very well served in their capable hands!
I am still on the Copic Design/Blog Team and will continue to teach workshops as a Copic Certified Designer as well as for the other fantastic companies with whom I currently work. No borders. Sundays at home. Kinda liking that!
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