I’ve recently started painting with Holbein Watercolors and when I was creating swatches for the colors I bought and considering some future purchase, I noticed that a) the print is TINY on the tubes, and b) there are no pigment codes listed on any of the color charts online. So… quite a bit of searching ensued and I found a document on a Japanese website (Holbein paints are made in Japan, afterall) that had all of the information I wanted. I screen-shotted everything, combined the files, saved it as a PDF and converted the text to be readable (searchable). And now I am willing to share that work with you, dear reader. So you don’t have to look so hard for information that should be more readily available.
This will allow you to take sometimes interesting names like Davy’s Grey and know that it is made of PBr7 PBk6 and PW6. Doesn’t that feel better?
Click on the following link to download a PDF for searchable access to this file: WCPigmentInfo_Searchable. <- Click on that. Don’t right click on the picture below – you’ll just get a low resolution version. You want the PDF.
And I’m off to finish swatching my colors. More on that setup, later!
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