I was just talking to Kris at Copic (who was the recipient of many birthday cards a few months ago), and she informed me that you-know-who, Ms. Marianne Walker's birthday is THIS FRIDAY. So along the same lines, I'm asking you to do is take one photo of a birthday card you've made- it could be made for a kid, a guy, or even your grandmother- and e-mail it to Marianne this week.
If you don't make cards, then send her a photo of some artwork. You could have posted it on your blog a month or a year ago, it doesn't matter, just send a quick e-mail to Marianne. This will be our surprise to her: an in-box full of cute birthday greetings from across the country. Title the message: Happy Birthday to You
Her e-mail is office1@copicmarker.com
Kris wasn't sure how to get the word out – so I said I would post it out here. Marianne won't be back to the office until Thursday – so hopefully she won't catch on to what we are doing.
Thanks for joining in on the fun!
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