But not too busy to post a new technique and layout featuring the Stitched Mulberry papers on the Prima Artist-Educator blog.
Check it out, and comment over there for a prize drawing!
I am back from a lovely weekend in Indiana. I taught at The Doodlebug on Friday and at Paper Chase on Saturday, in addition to the Copic Certification Class on Sunday. Truly, these were some really nice and fun ladies. I was exhausted every night – but each day was well worth it. 🙂
I've been doing some work behind the scenes in preparation for CHA as well as finalizing details for teaching trips through the end of January. I really like to have everything in order before the hurricane otherwise known as CHA hits. LOL!
Upcoming Classes
South Carolina
All three workshops for Saturday, November 21st at The Stamping Place only have 1 or 2 spots left.
I just added one workshop at the nearby Scrappin' Creations for the evening of Friday, November 20th.
Contact the stores for more information.
The Copic Certification Class has seats left with the waitlist being pulled from in the next week or so. Hurry up and submit those applications!
We are finalizing selection for the workshops that will be offered on Friday – Saturday, Dec. 11 and 12th. There will be a Copic: What? How? & Wow? on both days for sure. The other two will likely be finalized by tomorrow. It will be inky… 😉
Also, if you aren't aware of it, we added a second date for the Copic Certification Class in San Antonio. There are just so many of you! The new location is the Doubletree Hotel. Because of the larger venue (and more supplies added) we are able to take more applicants for both days. Hurry up and submit those applications!
Yes, I finally have a location for Florida. After much surveying and gnashing of teeth, it was determined that the MOST Copic Dealers that were looking to get certified were on the West Coast. So our location is Sarasota, Florida. The registration process will begin on November 10th. Stay tuned!
Workshops will be posted when more information is available.
CHA-Winter is held in Anaheim, California each year. I will be working, working, working (ah, it's just too much fun to call work!); but I've also talked to one store about teaching a Copic: What? How? & Wow? workshop (or two) before the show. Stay tuned and more information will be posted when it is available.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays as I officially age at midnight. Bwah ha ha!!!
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