After nearly 3 weeks on the road, we are home. Ahhhhh.
We were lucky to miss the heat wave, but the kids have spent so much time outdoors, in the pool and at the beach…that they are settled inside at present.
Courtney and Brianna are playing with their stuffed animals, upstairs. Apparently it's a Webkinz World, "make up or break up" game that they've created. Stuffies are everywhere…oh the drama.
Cameron was just invited to join them. But he is playing a board game with his teddy bear.
The puppy is in 'rug mode' and quite happy to have us home. Although while we were gone, he was obviously loved and cared for by Ms. Carol and Laura B. — nice to come home to a happy doggie!
I have been running between unpacking, reorganizing and general out-of-focusness. I'm giving myself another day before I 'dive in' to reality thankyouverymuch.
We missed the heat wave in the Northeast during our time in the Carolinas. Thank goodness.
But about an hour from home, 'Momma Car' threw a spark plug. I didn't need the car to celebrate Fourth of July, but after 10 years, and countless trips to the beach — I know her time is short. It's funny how you get attached to a car. Even one that isn't fuel efficient and is so BIG. But she is big for a reason.
We bought 'Momma Car' when I was expecting the twins. A decade ago there was a time, when hauling three short people in toddler and infant car carrier seats and STILL being able to go to IKEA with confidence that I could still get my purchase to fit in the car was very important. There were trips to see Bear in the Big Blue House, The Wiggles LIVE! and even Thomas The Tank Engine. Things that won't happen again.
We went from one short person.
To a handful more…with 'the twinkies'
Then I began to HAUL my schtuff around in the car to regional scrapbook retreats. I don't want to even think about the times I tried to do that in my husband's convertible (aka the 'ragtop rust bucket'). So I have the car to thank for those safe and reliable trips as well. Once I considered strapping a kitchen sink to the top just to make a point that we'd brought everything, and I mean everything, with us to a crop. Here are Laura and Ellen in the car. They just barely fit…
During her tenure I was selling for CTMH, and this was the car that I took with me, with all the home party schtuff. I even had a license plate personalized for her. It said LV*CTMH. Funny bit, when a local politician came door to door, he wondered if it meant 'leave Connecticut'. I pointed out to him that I didn't think I could vote for him if he was that unobservant and couldn't connect the dots from the big honkin' magnet to the license plate…. I didn't want to vote for him anyway, but it was pretty funny at the time.
And this was the big honkin' car that took me on my first road trip to Canada just two short months ago. That was a LONG car ride for me. So Momma Car went international for a brief trip.
And she is the ONLY reason we could drive up on Carova Beach to the Virginia state line and enjoy this view…
With a near-private beach, courtesy of nobody else daring to drive up that far…
And wild mustangs roaming along the beach road…
So I'm a bit melancholy as I begin the hunt for her sooner than eventual replacement. What car could possibly fill her tires…?
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