You haven’t changed a bit!

This past weekend I attended my 30th high school reunion.  I have to say, at this point the vast majority of people that attended were very much beyond 'high school'... open and friendly to all in attendance.  That was so refreshing and lovely.  I left both evening events with a smile on my face, and glad that I had gone. There were still the 'shy ones' that sat … [Read more...]

Last words…

I can remember when I didn't feel at all, not even a tiny bit creative. I had some time between a lunch meeting and going back to work and so I walked through an A.C. Moore store. I walked through every department, down every single aisle.  And I got to the end, turned on my heel and said, 'I don't get it.' But a few years ago I decided to go from, "I can't … [Read more...]

Cohesive Ingredients

Last night I started a pot of Green chile chicken chile.  I had quite a few e-mail messages about that, so I decided I would share the recipe with you.  This comes from years of living in Texas and Florida, and attending my share of chili cook-offs through the years. Ingredients: 2 lb. chicken.  I use boneless just to make things easier, and I've sometimes added 1/2 lb. of … [Read more...]

Checking In… Working Out… Making Change

I had my six month appt. two weeks ago, and I've lost 108 lbs. so far.  Hard to believe I get to say that.  Pretty surreal!  If you'd told me six months ago that I would be standing up to speak at a WLS seminar in the same room where I had attended one... I wouldn't have thought it possible. I participated in a March for Change at the Hartford State Capital building, … [Read more...]


Checking in.  Lots of changes going on! I am Reduced! That quote comes from a friend who is also losing weight.  She saw a friend recently whose immediate response was, "You have been reduced!".  English isn't her first language - and the comment was so charming that I've started saying it every time I see her.   I've heard from … [Read more...]