Hi!This is my personally created, Golden Artist Colors Color Library (for my fellow Photoshop geeks). But darlings - I am not tech support. That is what Google is for. This is NOT provided by Golden. This is just something I attacked late at night and came up with the data that they so generously provide on their website so that I could do some hybrid digital components in my work that would … [Read more...]
Find my Fonts: Asset Management and Organization
If I think back on the very beginnings of the awakening of my own creativity as an adult, it all started with hand lettering. It was a lovely book by Becky Higgins (from 1999?) where she had created a bunch of lettering styles, meant for scrapbooking. I won't delve into how useful they actually were. But I do remember how nice it felt to make something look pretty in the one area where I felt … [Read more...]
Using Google Calendar to Make Your New Year Brightly Organized, Part 1
Google Calendar is easy to use, free and portable across devices. But it is capable of so much more than putting in annual birthdays and repeating appointments. There are some basic features that many people don't know about or don't know how to utilize. I will cover those basics in this post and also tell you how I use them beyond the normal functionality where applicable. Did you know that … [Read more...]
Geek Out! Drawing on a Touchscreen
Here is an inexpensive way to make your Windows 8 touchscreen computer ACT a bit more like an expensive drawing tablet. Now dance around the room in your PJs and go draw something fabulous... … [Read more...]
Death of an icon?
In one of my more geeked out former lives, I worked with user interface design for IBM. It's been over a decade since that time, and yet one thing has not changed - and I kind of wish it would: the SAVE icon. I'm a geek, and even I cannot find a single 3.5 inch diskette anywhere in my office. I looked deep in the land of old CDs and it just isn't there. And yet, this image is the … [Read more...]