Neil got me a couple techie presents for Christmas. YAY!
- 1. Replaced my ‘dragged and dropped’ one too many times TREO with a T Mobile Dash. This is such a neat phone!
2. MS Digital Image Suite Plus
3. MS Publisher
Yes, I am a geek… an inky geek…
The phone certainly wasn’t ready to go out of the box. Between loads (and loads) of laundry over the last two days I would mess around with it, trying to get all my Outlook stuff to sync over. Now that Mount Washmore has been decimated… I’ve finished configuring this thing. Honestly, for me a cellphone combined with a calendar / e-mail device is just essential. This is the only way my life actually works. I’ve been addicted since the first Palm device came out and have had something ever since that Pilot, Handspring, Treo, et al.
Neil selected a pretty good plan for me too. I have to pick 5 MyFaves to dial up unlimited, although it lets me change them monthly. I like the flexibility. I just want to import a picture of their faces on the little MyFaves daisy. LOL! And my geekHusband (used with reverence!) thinks he can figure out a way for me to dial into my Vonage phone and dial out to anywhere. That would be one heck of a Fave. Such a nefarious plot! We’ll see!
Next is MS Ditial Image Suite has digital video editing capability. Would you like to have a little screen in the Distress Inks aisle that says, ‘Touch the screen to learn more about these products‘ ? Well, it will be coming to Momento, the wonderful paper arts store that Ellen is opening in the Spring! We teamed up with Deb at The Inspiration Station and the technology is definitely good. All of this technology was put into place originally by EK Success, but once the Martha became an investor they pretty muched dropped the EK Shoppe concept. Foolish. But we’ll take that concept and make it our own.
MS Publisher is just something I want to play with. I want to see if it can do more than my mighty combo of Word and Photo Elements. I don’t want to ignore something that might do the job better. Helps that Neil visit Microsoft almost on a weekly basis. Thank you MS Company Store!
Egads, somebody take me back to Internet Explorer 6. I hate 7 so far. Nothing like finishing up a blog and having its phishing filter mess up the connection so you lose everything you typed. WTG Microsoft! This geek doesn’t love every new thing.
Oh drat, one more load to put in the dryer…
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