Well blow me down…

The winter wind is whipping around the house and I’m feeling very thankful to be safe and warm here inside.  The only thing that beckons is the hot tub.  But I’ll save that for tonight.  Speaking of safe and warm, Courtney is upstairs taking a nap.  Little blondie cherub has been fighting the sniffles and cough, so I gave her a day at home to rest and kick this thing.  Heck, she has me twisted around her pinkie.  I just love her company too!

And today you could knock me down with a feather.  I was invited by Tammy Tutterow to join the talented group of instructors at Heart in Hand Scraps to teach my classes online.  I love to teach.  I’ve been teaching on the road for several years now.  This is such a fun way to expand my class offerings to areas beyond the reach of my car, share with a wider audience, and recoup some weekend time with my family.  I’m just blown to pieces about this opportunity.  I cannot wait to get some of my classes online.

It also makes me reflect on how I am so blessed to have a life where I can stay at home with Courtney today, and not have to worry about assignments at the office that need getting done.  I dropped Brianna off at school early for chorus and took Cameron to the busstop.  This afternoon, it will be Karate and Gymnastics – and probably a twofer Tuesday at Coldstone Creamery after dinner (they have Kid’s Creations on sale on Tuesdays for half price dontcha know?) 

It is amazing to me how far away my corporate life feels.  I was climbing that ladder like anyone else, and stressing about every school function that I was missing out on.  My children could never have the opportunities that they do now, to join the school chorus, try gymnastics, karate and violin lessons.  None of this would be happening if I was still working for IBM and commuting to assignments up to 100 miles away from home.  I would leave before they awoke and come home after they’d had dinner, or even already in bed in those days.

So many things to be thankful for every day.  Thanks, Tammy – for this wonderful opportunity!

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