Time for Tea

Of course I’m never too busy to do something special for my children.  This past Sunday we had an impromptu tea party.  My husband took our son to an indoor gym, and the dollar store and other ‘man haunts’ while we turned the house into a floral affair.


This of course calls for scrapbooking on some of that Hambly chandelier product, don’t you think? :o)


And I’m no ‘Martha’ so I had the girls pick out several recipes from the American Girl books they had checked out from the school library.  I spent the entire morning cutting sandwiches into star shapes and snipping marshmallows.  But it was so worth it!

The girls made placecards for themselves and their guests.  We set the table with my china and Brianna and I worked up a menu in Publisher.  A very PINK menu.

Here are some of the goodies we served:Teaparty



And a good time was had by all!


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