Little C. is loosing those baby teeth at quite a clip these days. ‘Boo’ fell out today during his nightly brushing. No, I don’t know where / why the tooth had a name — but ‘Boo’ it is. He is safe and snug under her pillow and I’m downstairs crafting the night away in his honor.
I love it.
How much do I get? One more year of this? Maybe two? I cherish every little late night crafting session in honor of a lost tooth.
It’s always a challenge too. Only once was I fully pre-prepped for tooth loss. But that was only so that DH would have something at-the-ready, in case I was out of town. But tonight, I was scrambling into the depths of the craft cabinets. I came up with a Magenta lantern kit. It’s 4 pieces of 4 1/2" chipboard, punched along the sides to make a cube. Hmmmmmm. How many years have passed since I bought this thing? It’s amazing what is in this room. Pretty handy in a craft crunch! Off to work…
Ok, I’m done. I Googled some fairy images and went with a Four Seasons Fairy theme. I printed these on a transparency and adhered them, printed side facing inward, to the inside of my frames. Then I covered the frames with BG Periphery paper. I sprayed this (carefully!) with Glimmer Mist in Silver so as not to hit the printed images. I tied the four frames together with fibers from Hand-Died Hobbies in a corsetted fashion and knotted them at the top.
I’ve placed it on a plate with the $2.00 bill, also sprayed with Glimmer Mist. (DH has a stash of these from when he was a child). This is surrounded by sparkly stones from the driveway. She has been hunting rocks for the past few days, so these are special too. Now I’m charging up a little Phillips votive light to put inside.
Next, I’ve got to sneak upstairs without being caught!
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