As part of the color collab. (#thecolorcollab #tcc) Episode 1, we discussed CMYK and Temperature and Bias when mixing colors. You can catch that recorded full episode here:
After the broadcast, I realized that all of my documents were mirrored (I love that, Facebook!) so I wanted to post a couple here as well.
And our next Episode will be via ZOOM on Wednesday, February 17th, 2021. Which will allow us to display documents and share the screen. That will be broadcast here:

And to answer the question about which basic colors would be useful to creating color wheels from this exercise, I have put together a list of colors from the OPEN line by Golden Artist Colors, below. You can use these colors as ‘mixing triads’ in order to mix and create your own colors wheels as shown in the following picture.

The links to the color wheels and temperature charts are now available for download with your Patreon subscription (all tiers) under Donna Downey’s Patreon at:
Let’s make 2021 colorful!
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