Just a shadow, a glimmer and some techniques

Having been plagued with problems with my laptop since the airport in ATL, I finally got it all backed up (in multiple places) and out the door to the HP 'mother ship'.  Hopefully it will return to me fit for active online duty.  Until then, I"m a shadow of my former self – with just web access to e-mail and a 'baby laptop' that is no fun to run Photoshop on.  I gave up and de-installed it a little while ago.

But not before I uploaded and wrote this week's technique post on the Prima Endorsed Artist-Educator blog.  Check it out!  Lots of Glimmer Mist and Copic airbrushing to create a haunted entrance hallway piece of home decor.



And I hope to see you online bit by bit for the next two weeks.  But all the same – I have a couple projects and deadlines anyway.  So it's probably a good thing!

P.S. Check out page 45/151 of the Autumn edition of Somerset Memories for a fun digi/hybrid acrylic scrapbook page (printing directly on acrylic!) and featuring little Miss Courtney.

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