Crafty Little Valentines

Since I was leaving town to attend CHA, I had the children start on their Valentine’s cards early.  Each selected their materials and started creating; while Daddy stole each away in turn for a bath.  Such a fun night…and although I returned home on Valentines’ Day, I didn’t get to see the finished artwork.  I heard there were a couple special ones in there too…


Little C’s creative process is very freeform.  Each card was an individual work of art.  She used punches, lace paper cut in strips and markers. She showed me her heart when she made the first for a new girl student in class, and the second for a boy with special needs in her class, ‘because he has a hard time’.

My own heart was bursting with pride at her generosity of spirit.



Buddy was more deliberate with his design, choosing some Bam Pop! paper to decorate his card fronts.  He chose the dancing robot for boys, and the unicorns and rainbows pattern for girls.  Each had a message written in a Pokemon’s voice, and a heart gem glued on the inside as a ‘gift’.

Img_0789web He wrote detailed notes out for each child.  The funny thing came, apparently, when he had one left and couldn’t remember the name of the student.  He finally remembered that HE was one of the students in the class and happily made out a Valentine for himself.  Boys!

Img_0793web Bugaboo created her cards more in more of an assembly line fashion.  She colored in Prima Paintables cut into 3×3 squares with colors she thought appropriate for each person and placed them on pink cardfronts.  A sentiment was stamped on the bottom.

It was fun to watch each of them, and their creative processes!


I got home on Thursday morning, with a voicemail from my babysitter that Daddy had neglected to give them candy for their Valentines’, though.  So, before flopping into bed to recuperate from that red-eye flight, I ran to the grocery store and over to the school to take care of this not-so-little detail.

P.S. Hubby and I went out to a marvelous French restaurant called Ondine.  Escargots, Mushroom Soup, Venison with berries and a Grand Marnier souffle.  Inspiring and delicious.  And we snuck out to see a movie too, since an evening out is kind of rare.  We went to see Jumper.  Pretty neat special effects and Hayden C. isn’t bad to look at either.

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