This is an album I made yesterday and will be teaching online ( and locally at MOMENTO ( I adore the 6×6 acrylic tabbed album from Pageframe Designs, and it works so beautifully for a perpetual calendar. The four tabs, are tabbed for the four seasons of the year, and months on the reverse.
I used Creative Imaginations’ Day by Day line, by Samantha Walker, as well as bits by 7 Gypsies, Hambly and Rusty Pickle to dress it up. I do love the doorknob on the front of the book!
This is an example of the pages inside the book. I made up a perpetual calendar in MS Word and then I have made pockets, typically on the facing page.
Because I’ve been asked how to accommodate an entire year in this album; in order to have enough pages for the entire year, I added more using clear material from Hambly. The durability difference is obviously less with those, but it added a fun dimension, as for efficiency’s sake, I cut them to 6×6. They are shorter than the other pages, so they have circular tabs on them for ‘handles’ to turn the pages.
Overall, I like how sturdy and durable these acrylic books are, and I can see using this little album as a desk reference for a long time.
Thanks for looking!
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