Photo Hunters – 07/14 Theme: Shadows

Do bubbles cast shadows?  This past Easter was a windy day of light and shadows.  The late afternoon sky was filled with clouds, but still the children were outside playing with their new mega-sized bubble wands.  I took a picture of a few of the creations.  Just came across them today with the shadow prompt. … [Read more...]

Photo Hunters – 05/07 Theme: CHILDHOOD

If you're happy and you know it... Yep, that's me - circa 1967.  And I would love to have this kind of happy look on my face every day!  I hope at the very least it is reflected in my children's faces. Courtney smiles like that. Cameron giggles like that. Brianna is a bit more serious, but she feels like this. I hope you have a smile like this in your life. … [Read more...]

Photo Hunters – 04/22 Theme: STEPS

The first thing that came to mind was one of my kids taking their first steps.  I was all set to post that and looking through my catalog when I came across this shot.  I love the perspective and shadows.  I'd forgotten I even had it.  Amazing how a raised panel door looks like steps when navigated by a praying mantis.  At least I think that is what kind of bug he … [Read more...]

Photo Hunters – 04/13 Theme: HOBBY

Oh this was easy for me to find.  I have many hobbies, and while many would think the most obvious choice for me would be a scrapbook page, card, or altered item -- my favorite canvas is: a child's face: I am a face painter.  I cannot remember how it started, except perhaps that I had someone come to do it at Brianna's 2nd birthday party and I was so thoroughly unimpressed with the … [Read more...]

Photo Hunters – 04/07 Theme: CLEAN

My friend Wendy in MD had a link to this fabulous blogroll, called Photo Hunters on her website.  I checked it out and really liked the idea of posting a photo a week in a specific theme.  It would be GREAT to be able to use as inspiration for creating artwork, look through your photographs with fresh eyes; and be inspired by many people's photographs based on a theme each week!  So … [Read more...]