Leaving it all behind me…

Sounds deep, doesn't it?  Well it is in big and small ways. Abandoning Art In small ways - I've recently falling in love with a movement started by Michael DeMeng and his wife Andrea Matus DeMeng called ART ABANDONMENT.  There is a group on Facebook for it.  http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArtAbandonment/.  The idea is to make a piece of art and leave it to be … [Read more...]

Mum’s the word – or is it?

Mother's Day is as good a time as any for reflection.  What does being a Mom mean to me? Knowing who you are!  I said, 'Mums the word' - but apparently not: Brianna calls me 'Momma' Courntey calls me 'Mommy' Cameron calls me 'Mom' It's pretty fun to notice these little differences. Waking up to this poster on the back deck door. Blaring songs … [Read more...]

Four Birthdays and a Power Outage

Autumn in Connecticut is typically warm and as colorful as you would expect it to be.  The trees are brightly dressed and showing off in nature's glory.  It is a beautiful time of year to be in New England. Back on October 22nd Courtney was playing with pine needles at the park.  Only the evergreens were shedding their foliage at this point with the leaves still firmly … [Read more...]

What’s Your Word?

I don't typically jump in on large overarching dream-questing things.  But I realized that I have been doing that in small ways in 2010.  Today I happened upon Ali Edwards' blog and took up her challenge of One Little Word for 2011. A few things fell away this year and a net always appeared.  Life can be funny like that.  Even when things happened that rocked me to … [Read more...]

Next Year…

The tree is lit.  The house is decorated.  The cards are sent.  The presents are in different stages of 'wrapapalooza' and I'm waiting on just two last items to arrive on my doorstep, on Monday no less.  We made Christmas candy and decorated some cookies over at a friends' house today.  Honestly I cannot remember a more relaxed Christmas in recent … [Read more...]