I love taking the Christmas decorations out of the boxes and decorating the house for the season. As the years have gone by, more and more of those decorations have meaning to them, whether it's an ornament that signifies an important date or place, or the increasing amount of handmade decorations I've made through the years. The mantel and shelves of my family room are … [Read more...]
Holiday Hostess Gift using US Art Quest
Today I'm featuring products from US Art Quest. If you've attended rubber stamp and mixed media expos and retreats, you've probably seen Susan Pickering-Rothamel demonstrating the products there. She is passionate about these products, product safety and product quality. I've been a big fan of their products for a long time. Just browsing their website I … [Read more...]
Tattered TV Webshow Project Details
Tonight's *LIVE* webshow was recorded if you would like to follow along to make the featured project(s). http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/17984051 Here is a picture of each of the two project ideas that I displayed: This project uses the Walnut Hollow Bass Wood Canvas, flipped to the backside to make a frame. and this one uses the Wood Frame from Pink Paislee: The supplies used … [Read more...]
Welcome to Inspired Autumn Color
I have a color memory in my head. A moment of pure inspiration that always comes to mind. It was the front porch of a house, in Autumn and the steps were covered with wet, colorful leaves. The leaves were at the peak of their color. The water made the colors even more vibrant and reflective. I could work my whole life trying to recreate that scene, and never … [Read more...]