Beautiful Basics – from CHA

While I’m usually a technical girl – favoring new inks, new tools, new gadgets and gizmos, I have to admit that some of the best product lines I saw at CHA were kits and papers that favor simple scrapbooking joy. While not minimalist styles, these papers don’t need anything added to them via embellishment to create pure scrapbooking joy.

First, and probably the biggest coup in the business was K&Company getting the licensing deal from the Girl Scouts of America.  It had to be a hard-won batlle… but oh the products are just incredible!!!  What a wonderful way to introduce young ladies to memory crafting.  It couldn’t be more beautiful.  I met Kay and she smiled and admitted that she redesigned the line three times before she was happy with it even though the first rendition was approved.

Being a mom of two Brownies – I cannot wait to get these into my scrapbooks.  I want s’more!

Click here for K&Company site featuring Girl Scouts


While I love the bohemian look that is currently the rage, the simplicity of the ‘Project Essentials’ line from Imagination Project, which featured office supply style ledger papers, grids, penmanship and calendar pieces, in black, white, cream and the unexpectedly wonderful PINK, truly captured my heart.  I love the simplicity of these items.  They go with EVERYTHING!  My favorite items are the die-cut coasterboard and 12×12 calendar transparency overlays.  A collaboration of Ginger Rohlfs and Emily Adams — these are sure to become a staple item in my crop bag.


On the last day I came upon the line from Connecticut-based Deja Views (C-Thru Ruler Company)of Fresh Print™ in Plum (shown below), Apple and Blue Raspberry.  This line has gorgeous paper tablets, single sheet papers, and punch outs that just make your pages sing.  And we need more purple in the world.  :o)

Fresh Print (tm) Plum

This Spring will be filled with creative ZING as these new products hit the store shelves.  Be sure to check them out.  Nothing like getting back to the basics.  You will not be disappointed. 

Next up on our CHA product tour, the flourishes of bohemia rock on…

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