Tonight I finished up a sample for my ‘More Than Just a Trace’ class. I had made a mock up before – but just received the chipboard pieces and stretcher bars yesterday so that I could do the final draft. Other than feeling a strong desire to alcohol ink some snowflake buttons and add them to the mix — I think it is pretty much done. You have to understand that, for me, nothing is every ‘finished’. It’s always a moving target.
This piece employs gel medium for photo transfer onto canvas, adhesive foiling with stamps, glazing and painting. It took the evening to make – but I love it. A creative mess!
btw, this is a picture of my Dad, on the left, with his younger brother. My little boy, Cameron looks so strikingly similar to my Dad in this picture! And he is about the same age as Dad in this photo. Pretty cool. I can’t wait to show them both the finished piece.
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