Show Me The Glam! (really!)

The other day I finished shooting my Tattered Angels video tutorial for the educator blog.  So with that done, I decided to set aside some time to watch the sneak peek video for their new product, Glimmer Glam!  I was excited to hear all about it.  But like so many of you I wanted to SEE more.  So I've taken matters into my own hands (literally).

I've obtained some pictures from the warehouse.  Hopefully they won't be too mad at me.  *wink*

Isnt' it just GLAMtastic?

Ok, I have to make a couple of samples for the booth and work on my demo for Tattered Angels.  I know…work, work, work….  Really I should make more time for play.  Wait.  My work IS play.  Won't you come play along?  Tell me what you think about the Glimmer GLAM.

And I'll be back with a picture of my project I'm working on later tonight at midnight crafting time (MCT – which means some time after midnight tonight…)


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