COPIC Airbrushing on Easter Eggs

It truly is raining all day.  And of course started right on cue with the town's Easter Egg Hunt.  We went, we got soaked, and Cameron's friend won a bunny.

But then we came home to get Easter started in earnest, regardless of whether the egg hunt at home will be outside or in tomorrow.  And this was waaaaay too fun.  I don't think we'll ever color Easter Eggs in the traditional manner eggain.  Sorry Paas, but you are passe.  šŸ™‚


I broke out a set of pens and a couple of ABS-1 airbrush sets for the kidoodles and gave them a quick lesson.  Other than trying to load the pens sideways – they were quickly pros!


Cameron's main issue was that the egg kept rolling away from him.  The lid to the aircan is the best solution I've found, but the egg wouldn't even stay on their for him.  We opted for the egg leaning agains the case.  That worked.


My three eggies are in front.  I went for 'blobs' of color, doing an overall light coat and then bringing the tool really close for little puddles.  These I exhaled on to get them to bubble a bit.  Also, used the brush tip for more speckles.

The egg on the right was airbrushed through a Queen & Co. felt ribbon piece.

Neil was suitably impressed with our bit of 'high tech' crafting!  And cleanup was a breeze.

If you are looking for more examples, check out Sharon Harnist's blog entry from last year.  Marianne Walker made a doodle-egg this year too.

c'mon – there's still time!  LOL!

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