Easter. Your vechtabelse…

I love Easter traditions.  Besides a lovely morning at home with the kidoodles, everybody gets dressed up to go to a special brunch at a restaurant.


Did I mention I like hats?  Brianna does too.  This litle beauty was a gift from one of my students in Columbus, OH.  It was a little too tight around the head for me – but oh yes, Brianna snagged it along with some flowers and Fabritac to finish it off.  Spring has sprung!

At brunch the kidoodles can choose what they want to eat from a huge assortment.  Although they don't always the most healthy choices…  Cameron was likin' the waffle station, for example.


So after brunch, they ran off some of that energy with an egg hunt.  Neil wisely drew out a map this year — and so far only one egg has eluded capture.  Along with the blessings of the day, could we have had more beautiful weather?  Nothing's really blooming yet but the mood was bright.

And then they played… swings, sand box, webkinz up in Bri's room, Wii, toy bunnies, on the 'bike trail' that Daddy made.  A glorious day outside!

When it was time for dinner, I took a cue from the show, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, and introduced the kids to a new-to-them vegetable: spaghetti squash.  I had cooked it in the oven, and then showed them how to pull back on the insides with two forks to retrieve the 'spaghetti' inside.  Everybody had a hand in it.


and two out of three gave it a thumbs-up at the dinner table as well once a spoonful of spaghetti sauce was added to the top.


Of course the lesson doesn't come home until it is made into art – courtesy of Courtney.  I'm keeping this phonetic spelling.  As long as she can pronounce it, and more importantly, eat them…it's all good.


I didn't get much 'papertivity' going on today, but I sorted flowers into clear pails, by color, sitting outside by the swingset and added the Red-Violet and Red color families to my new swatchbook of color combinations.   The latter being something that sadly sat on the tarmac at Charlotte, NC airport, in the pouring rain.  I've been re-doing it slowly whenever I get a chance.

And now I must off to bed, because Neil has this vision of us actually being able to see the space shuttle, or whatever is launching in the morning from xyz position on the neighborhood early tomorrow morning.  We will be bundling up in PJs and blankies into the car to hopefully catch a glimpse. Note to Mission Control: please delay launch for an hour or so, k?

I hope your day was just as lovely.



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