Does this suck?

Ok, that's a rhetorical question at this moment …  LOL.

But I mean who DOESN'T spend HOURS on an ATC, card, layout or project and then by then it is 2AM in the morning and you wish you had that friend right over your shoulder to whom you could ask, 'Does this suck?'.  What would you do to it?  What am I missing?

So often I would like an honest critique of a project.  Sometimes it would be nice to look at it from many different perspectives and see what would look better.

So I began to think of how could this happen, productively?  Could I post one project, on the blog with someone's permission of course and get submissions for critiques like this?

Can this be the safe place?  Would you like to participate?

If I posted a project, mine or somebody else's and asked for constructive feedback, would you COMMENT?

I think this could be really useful.  Not just for myself, but for others.  So I want to get this party started…

Send me an e-mail with your project.  One picture per e-mail of course and tell me you would like it critiqued by titling your e-mail, 'Does This Suck?'

And then if I select your project for a post, I will send you a prize as well.  I want you to PARTICIPATE.

To kick it off the first prize will be a COPIC 72-marker wallet.  (no markers in there though!).


So send an e-mail with your project, subject line, "Does this suck?" to

And I will post the project for critique on WEDNESDAY, October 27th.  Be open to it.  Put yourself out there.  Sometimes it is so worth it…


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