Copic Team 2010 – Sparkling Personalities plus win some SPICA pens!

One of the very best parts of a trade show, such as CHA, is the ability to get a group of people together, from all over the world and meet in person.

The Copic Team in attendance got together on Saturday morning with a little surprise for an unsuspecting Jennie Black, who was invited to come to breakfast.  Jennie has been teaching in Southern California and making quite a reputation for herself.  She also taught a class at the CHA Craft Supershow (the consumer show) just the day before.  Let's just say her work had caught Marianne's attention.  And so we gathered together on Saturday morning to SURPRISE her with an invitation to join the team as a Copic Certification Instructor!!!  I was sitting directly across from her at the table, and watched the emotions play on her face, from confusion to joy to denial – and back again.  What fun to see the tears literally glistening in her eyes.  We are so glad to have you on the team, Jennie!


Jennie Black – Copic Certification Instructor, Southwestern U.S.

I think one of the highlights of my trip was a team dinner with everybody from the Copic/Imagination International Team.  I thought it would be a great time to introduce everybody to you.

Here is a picture of the Certification Team:

top row (l-r) Lori Craig, Sally Lynn MacDonald, Sharon Harnist, Debbie Olsen
bottom row (l-r) Nancy Zenke, Sherrie Siemens, Marianne Walker, Jennie Black, Colleen Schaan

There are a lot of people that you don't meet unless you come to the tradeshow booth… and these guys really make it happen for all of us too back at the office in Oregon and all the way from Japan!

(l-r) Ron Sprafkin, John Darland, Justin and Toshi 

Ken and Courtney weren't at the show this time.  But by way of introduction, I would love for you to meet Ken O'Connell through this article in an Oregon Newspaper, "A Life, in 68 Sketchbooks".  Kenneth O'Connell is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Oregon and President of Imagination International, Inc.

And I still hope to meet Kris and Colleen and Kari (sp?) in person one of these days.  I guess somebody had to stay behind and keep things running at the office!

So in honor of the latest addition to our team, and a truly SPARKLING personality I am giving away a set of Atyou Spica Glitter Pens (choose set A or B, set A is pictured).

Leave a comment on this post and I will draw a name at midnight on Saturday, February 6th for a set of Atyou Spica glitter pens … a $30 value!

Have a colorful day!


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