My cell phone is back. I left it in the car; which my husband then had parked at JFK all week. Sorry if you've been trying to reach me! I took the weekend 'off' but I do have a gazillion messages to return tomorrow! But it is late, so for now I have pulled a quick picture off the phone to share.
At Art & Soul in Hampton, VA, I met the amazing Susan Pickering Rothamel of USArtQuest. I was intrigued by the demonstration she was doing, and she offered some Mica pieces for me to play with. And I'm happy to report that Mica works with Copic, specifically airbrushing – BEAUTIFULLY!
But I do apologize for the low quality picture. Hopefully I will have some time this week to create another sample. This one I gave to Susan.
I airbrushed with the Sketch markers, over Tattered Angels' Traveler and Ironworks screens.
So here is another surface you can ink with Copics.
Have fun!
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