Copic Certification Class – November, 2009 (South Carolina)

Please read this entire post carefully since we will NOT accept applications that are submitted incorrectly!


There is one session currently open during November, 2009


Sunday, 11/22/2009 Columbia, SC

The Stamping Place and Scrapbook Station

153 Dreher Road

West Columbia, SC 29169

Phone: (803) 791-1440


Cost is $120 per attendee.  You may download the application here: Download Copic Cert SC_pub_0001.pdf (190.1K)


These classes fill up quickly so please read the following directions to make sure your application is accepted.


Classes are OPEN first  to:

• Store Owners/Employees in the Papercrafting or Fine Art Industry

• Teachers who are affiliated with a store

• Designers registered with CHA or members of Design Team(s)

• Sales Reps for Copic or associated Distributors

• Media, Press

(limited seats available for people who have already been certified or attending half-day, see below)


Three weeks before the event, REMAINING SEATS will be opened to:

• Home Party Representatives (such as Stampin’ Up! or CTMH)

• Craft enthusiasts


This location will be offering consumer classes on the Saturday prior if you do not fall into one of these categories.  Contact the stores for more information.  And we will put you on a different mailing list for future Certification sessions.


Applications will be accepted starting 12am Eastern Time, Friday, September 25th. We will not accept early applications!

Every Attendee must fill out an Application and contact Nancy

Just because you have e-mailed me does NOT mean you are in the class. If you are not on Nancy’s list you are not attending. Sales Reps and Media people also need to contact us so we have an accurate head-count. If you are from outside the US please let us know right away. 


E-mail or fax your applications please.

E-mail-  fax- 541-684-0140


Applications are used for adding correct information to the website instructor list. We ask for samples of your work just to get a feel for the type of things you create, be it scrapbook, stamping, altered arts, or fine art. Your application will not be denied if you don’t submit examples.



If you will be late or are leaving early I cannot make special accommodations. If you would miss more than 1 hr. of the class please do not apply for the full class, since space is limited. We do have some half-day spots for a different fee on a case-by-case basis. Stores who cannot make the whole event need to let me know if they are attending morning only or afternoon only, though you will not get the full packet unless you pay. You will not get a certificate unless you attend the whole day. Please come and go during breaks only.


Class Goals and Outline

The Copic Certification Class encompasses education of the most important aspects of Copic’s product lines and includes hands-on education of product knowledge, blending techniques, answers to common problems and how to test and select your inks and papers.  We will show you how to demonstrate, teach and sell Copic products.  You will receive a complete curriculum filled with reference material, techniques and class instructions, as well as a teacher’s kit of products for demonstration (valued at $85.00 US MSRP) which includes one of each type of product from these lines.  You will have an opportunity to use all of these products hands-on as we cover their function and differences between each one.

  • You will learn about three common mistakes and how to identify, test and use your materials.
  • You will learn four different blending techniques.
  • You will learn how to create texture and erase mistakes
  • You will learn how the markers are labeled – with what I personally like to refer to as The Copic Periodic Table of Colors.
  • You will learn how to choose colors that work well together from the Copic Color Wheel – which I personally refer to as the Galaxy of Copic Colors.
  • You will have an opportunity to airbrush with both the ABS-1 and the Air Compressor / ABS-3 setup and understand how each works.
  • You will have the opportunity to network with other peers in the industry

Certification is geared towards store owners, employees, designers and instructors in the paper crafting industry.  Attending class covers all of these topics.  But remember, if you are not able to attend a certification class near you, that almost everything that is taught in the class is covered on the Copic Product Specialist’s blog, which is currently located at There are a few tidbits that I elaborate on more in the class than what is on the blog, but I know that for people who avidly read the blog and practice what is covered there – then the certification is a lot of repeat.  If something is talked about in certification that is not on the blog it’s mostly because Marianne hasn’t gotten around to writing it up yet.  Many of the attendees do not have a chance to follow the blog, so the class is geared as a summary and intro to everything Copic and stamping-related.


While certification is not an art lesson or a place to make samples or projects, it is a chance for learning techniques and seeing up close how it works- the little “a-hah! that’s what I was doing wrong…” kind of things so that you can build upon your skills with the information that is presented during class.


If being certified isn’t as important to you as having a hands-on class and opportunity to learn about Copic markers or if a certification class is full, you may have the opportunity to attend a consumer class at that same location on the day before.  Many locations at which I have booked the certification classes have chosen to have me come in a day in advance to offer 2-hour workshops, such as “Copic: What? How? and Wow!”.  Perhaps this will suit your purposes instead?  Contact the stores listed to see what they may be offering prior to the certification event.


People who take this class will be listed on our website as instructors who have completed training. It is still up to you to practice on your own and take the skills you learn and apply them to your own work.


This is a technique-based class. We will NOT make finished samples. Rather, I suggest that you make a Sample Book with techniques and color combos that you like during the class, or take the small images you work on and turn them into projects later.


A typical class runs:

9 am to 10:30  Papers, inks, and product overview (Basic Overview)

10 min break

10:40 to 12:30 pm  Coloring, 4 blending methods, and the colorless blender

1 hr lunch break – Lunch is NOT provided

1:30 to 2:45  Blender effects, altered media, ink effects,

3pm to 4  Airbrushing, Q & A, signing of certificates



You class fee includes an information packet with lots of useful literature and guides. There will also be a paper sampler in your packet. Most of the flyers and information sheets are downloadable off our website, and you can request copies of specific flyers for your future events by sending an e-mail to


Also included is a product packet. This is a sampler for you to use for teaching or demo purposes. Each packet includes:

2 Copic Markers

2 Sketch Markers

1 Wide Marker

1 Various ink

1 Spica Glitter Pen

2 Multiliner SP pens

1 Sketch Blender Pen

1 Big bottle of blender solution (this will have to go in checked luggage for those flying)


All other supplies are provided, however you may wish to bring the following:

• Your own stamps or stamped-off images

• Your own papers or inks to try (I bring plenty of my favorite, please test your own)

• Embellishments to alter or Airbrush (die-cuts, metal, silk flowers, etc)


We will be using Sketch Markers. If you choose to bring your own markers make sure they are marked so they do not get mixed in with my classroom sets.


What if I have already taken a Certification Class and I want to take it again?

I usually have a few spaces for people like you in each class. If you haven’t already contacted me about this, then here’s the scoop:

1. There will be a small fee. This helps us cover catering and room rental, etc.

2. You don’t get a new packet unless you want to pay full price. Likewise, no new certificate, sorry.

3. Please let me know at the same time I open registration to everyone that you are a REPEAT. That way I don’t figure you into my class size limit the same.

4. When you come, please help the people around you. Especially with those 4 pesky blending techniques. Those slow down the class the most and having someone else at the table who can help is greatly appreciated.

5. Please bring your own markers and have them labeled. It takes me a while to check my classroom marker sets after each class and refill them, which I factor into the class cost.

6. If you can’t make it to the whole class, then please enter/exit at the breaks so you’re not disrupting me (it’s too easy to sidetrack me as you know!)



Please contact Nancy about applications and payment

in the US toll free: 866-662-6742, outside the US,  541-684-0013

Product questions, contact Marianne

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