Hubby has the digital camera, so I fished out my old faithful eight year old 1MP digital and took some pictures of samples for a few classes that are debuting at the Scrapper’s Dream Vacation crops and local stores this summer. (this, after searching for the battery charger, charging the battery (twice), and then searching for the CF card reader)… I hope they do the samples justice!
Thinking Clearly with Hambly
And a little animated version of that 6" x 6" book. *crossing fingers that this works ok* – alright, you have to click on it to see it ‘move’.
And another class, more of an assembly line, with additional embellishments to the Cosmo Cricket lacing card kit. I adore this…
I’ve also been working up new samples for my ‘Liquid Assets’ series of classes. Series III and IV needed some rework to mix in new products – so I redid those as well. Here is a peek at Series III: Dabbling with Perfect Pearls and Paint Dabbers. Please realize that it is very difficult to get good photographs of something so shimmery! I hope these do them justice.
This sample uses Big Timber Caps from Technique Tuesday and a flower border stamp by Andra Wheeler of Wildflower Stamps.
…another wonderful stamp by Andra Wheeler of Wildflower Stamps. It embossed so beautifully. Great crisp and detailed image.
And one more new sample – making a white paper tag look like something entirely different:
Thanks for looking!
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