do something good everyday

Bless this little girl and her family TODAY.'s about a week away from her big surgery.  And thank you to all of you that have contributed and are giving your hearts and prayers to this family. It reminds me of the familiar call at an SDV : "Scrapper in Need..." - but this is more than just a sticker, or a rubon letter.  Thanks … [Read more...]


I love the late hours.  When the family is all in bed; goodnight kisses and brushing Brianna's hair out of her face as she sleeps.  What a beautiful child.  Cameron was snoring - loudly!  So I plumped up his pillow and moved him up further.  What a funny boy.  It seems like he uses up every ounce of energy and when he is done for the day, he becomes heavy - hard to … [Read more...]

{She} is inspired

Spent the weekend attending Ranger University with Tim Holtz and Robin Beam.  WOW!!! Thanks a million to my roomie, Ellen, for putting up with me.  I tend to get CHARGED up on adreneline.  Well duh! Also met  J'Lo, (still jaw-droppingly inspired by you), Judi (wowzers to you, on your business!!), Kriss (a scrapbooker after my own heart), Lynn (hope you are feeling better … [Read more...]


I love Springtime.  Everything blooms anew - it all starts over!  Springtime is always LATE in Connecticut, but when it comes -- it takes your breath away.  Ok, literally, this year.  Allergies were something I never had until I turned 40 -- happy birthday?  But here they are!  Welcome to the land of Allegra... Speaking of which, Allegra made last weekend possible - … [Read more...]