2009 is the year to {Draw it Yourself}


It's a brand new year!!!  This year I will be bringing a new set of workshops to my classroom, DIY Simply Lettering with Copic and DIY Simply Doodling with Copic, featuring the Copic Sketch / Ciao Brush Markers, Multiliner and Spica Glitter pens.

Even if you say 'I can't draw', we are going to remove that 'T' by Trying something new.  I've taught lettering and doodling classes over the past ten years, and just like any other technique, it is the tools that make the technique.  A bit of instruction and you'll be putting your markers to more use than coloring stamped images.

And if you've been coloring your stamped images this year, my guess is you've already been thinking outside of those stamped lines and adding backgrounds and foregrounds with your markers.  If not, let's do it!

2009.  Wow the last year just flew by.  I'm really looking forward to this year and jumping back into the classroom.

More locations and details will be added to the right hand sidebar soon.  I hope I can meet many of you in person this year.

Doodle do! SL

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